Biarritz french courses institute

Biarritz french courses institute

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Biarritz french courses institute

Описание школы

Школа «Biarritz french courses institute» предлагает обучение на французском языке иностранным гражданам. Мы находимся на улице 26 бис Вольтер неподалёку от центра г.Биарриц и его волшебных пляжей (10 мин пешком). Школа распологается в здании построенном в 1905г, и обновлённыом согласно самым современным нормам. Мы предлагаем вам узнать наш язык в тёплой и дружественной обстановке. В нашем распоряжении 6 великолепных аудиторий,1 интернет – класс, прекрасный сад площадью в 500м2, симпатичное кафе.



- 20 lessons / week.
- Minimun of 2 weeks. A lesson lasts 45 minutes.
- Lessons from monday to friday .
Every morning from 9 am to 12:15pm.
Maximum manpower of the classes : 12

- 24 lessons / week.
- 20 morning lessons (program group courses 20 lessons).
- 4 workshop lessons.

- Tuesday : 2pm – 3:30 pm preparatory workshop at school.
- Thursday : 2pm – 3:30 pm practice at school / downtown.

1week standard courses 20 lessons + 6 lessons per week with specific focus.
Courses every morning Monday to Friday 9am to 12:15pm and 3 afternoons Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 2pm to 3:30 pm.

Dates 2012
Febuary : 13 to 17
April : 2 to 6
October : 22 to 26

1week standard courses 20 lessons + 10 lessons per week with specific focus.
Courses Monday to Friday 9am to 12:15pm and the afternoons 2pm to 3:30 pm.

Dates 2012
Every monday May to september

Surfing courses :

1 hour and half each afternoon, 5 days per week.
Government certified professional surfing instructors.

Spots and schedules will depends on tides and weather.
Boards and wetsuits provided.

Fine waves and natural beauty :

Biarritz is known throughout the surfing world for its fine waves and natural beauty. The swell varies from below 2 feet on calm days to over 15 feet after storms.

The instructors :

The instructors of the surf school will adapt to your level, whatever it may be, allowing you to improve throughout your stay. Summer waves are typically 3 to 6 feet high and the water temperature is in the low 70's F (over 20o C).

Golf :

2 hours in the afternoon, 3 days a week. Sessions supervised by qualified golf instructor.
- 2 weeks : 1020 €
- 3 weeks : 1 470€
- Additional week : 440 €

Equipment provided.
9 holes golf courses.

Practice location :

Golf d'Ilbarritz,Running alongside the ocean, you would be able to begin or to improve your skills in the practice of golf in an exeptionnal setting.



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